The Burton Spain era of cues was the first to feature decorative rings above the wrap which later became known as “Bushka” rings. Each of the rosewood points feature four veneer colors; ebony, orange, green and maple. The butt sleeve is ebony wood with straight-grain maple windows separated by maple half-circles and Mother-Of-Pearl dots and a white butt cap. Also, in the points of the forearm, there are two Mother-Of-Pearl dots above a traditional Balabushka notched diamond.

The Gus Szamboti era Features four ebony points with black and maple veneers, three notched diamonds in each point and a Birdseye maple forearm. The handle wrap matches the ebony points and is a traditional, slightly textured, black leather wrap. The butt sleeve is ebony wood with 12 notched Mother-Of-Pearl diamonds with maple dots surrounding the center diamond. The cue also has two silver rings above and below the wrap as well as above the white butt cap.
MSRP: $1995.00

This is the first time a Balabushka cue with no wrap has ever been introduced! This cue features the unique “Titlist” color scheme which is purple, teal, mahogany and maple veneers with rosewood points. This cue also features a rosewood handle and butt sleeve with a straight grain maple ring above the white butt cap which complements the straight-grain maple forearm. This ring showcases the signature Balabushka notched Mother-Of-Pearl diamonds.